
Exploring the Depths of Python: Functions, Recursion, and the Power of Lambda Expressions

FUNCTIONS: Functional control flow structures organize code into reusable blocks called functions or procedures. This approach not only promotes code reuse but also enhances readability and maintainability. Functions serve as powerful tools for encapsulating reusable code and promoting modularization. Python, with its elegant syntax and versatility, provides robust support for defining and utilizing functions. A function is a container comprising a set of executable statements that perform a specific task. Functions facilitate code reuse and organization by allowing us to define a block of code once and call it whenever needed. In Python, functions are defined using the 'def' keyword, followed by the function name and parentheses. PARAMETERS AND ARGUMENTS: Parameters are the names listed in a function's definition, serving as placeholders for data to be passed into the function. Arguments are the actual values supplied to the function when it is called. HANDLING VAR...

Control Flow Structures

                                         In the world of programming, control flow structures are fundamental components that decide the sequence in which instructions and statements are executed. These structures enable developers to write flexible, efficient, and readable code. 1. Sequential 2. Conditional 3. Iterational   1. Sequential Control Flow: Sequential control flow is the most straightforward form of control flow. Here, the instructions are executed one after another, exactly in the order they appear in the code. This is the default mode of operation in most programming languages. 2. Conditional Control Flow – Conditional control flow allows programs to make decisions based on specific conditions. (i) if (ii) if-else (iii) if-elif-else (iv) nested if (i) if condition: Mandatory format of ‘if’ condition is – ● Keyword ‘ if ’ ● Colon in the end of if condition ● Indenta...